Monday, August 19, 2013

Harvest Mid-Point Report

We are really in the thick of harvest right now.  The official first day was July 28- Jeff and I cut a few peas that night.  Following that, harvest was routinely interrupted by rain events impacting the region.  Again this year, thankfully, both Jeff and I and Tom and Carol escaped the pop-up showers and thunderstorms with very minimal hail damage.  Some of our neighbors were not so lucky. We also were getting used to the quirks of a new combine and header set up early on in harvest. Now, with inclement weather and machinery breakdowns behind us (knock on wood) we are able to roll through the acres.

We finished with all the winter wheat Saturday evening and decided to move on to spring wheat. Though the late-season rains put a slight delay on cutting some crops, rain is almost always good for the quality of the crops.  This makes for happy farmers and lots of bushels being cut.

I have not been around long enough to appreciate fully what a blessing rain (with no hail) can be. Tom was telling me today about some of his land referred to as the Home Place, which is where Jeff and I had spent the morning cutting spring wheat.  In 2001, which was a horrible draught year, Tom said they cut the whole Home Place and didn't even fill one small truck.  Today, Jeff and I filled one small truck in about 2 passes down one strip.  It's hard to put that in perspective for people who have never been here and can't get an idea of the size of the fields, strips, etc. but suffice to say it is a much, much better year than 2001.

Here's a few photos from the field for your perusal, and here's to a happy continuation and completion of harvest! We probably have ten days to two weeks left of cutting if everything continues to run smoothly. 
Jeff and Tom threshing spring wheat in their hands, to determine ripeness.

Harvey weighs in with his two cents on the ripeness of the wheat...

Cutting wheat on the School Section.

And... another gratuitous Harvey photo. You're welcome.
It's probably a bit presumptuous of me to assume everyone loves Harvey as much as I do.


  1. I love Harvey ,too, Katie. Thanks for the nice update on how harvest is going.

  2. Hooray for the moisture. I'd like to think we sent it over from Seattle. Thanks for the harvest update!

  3. Thanks for reading! I hear the Hybner crew is having a great harvest this year as well!


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