Sunday, April 12, 2015

Log Off Shut Down Virtual 10K Sign Up

About a week ago, I read a post on my friend Christy's blog about a virtual race through It's called the Log Off Shut Down Go Run 10K. You can check out Christy's blog at, and read on to learn more about the Log Off Shut Down Go Run 10K.

About the time she posted it, I started having some unusual pain and stiffness in my left hip and lower back. It has been seriously tight in that area for a little over a week, and I can't figure out exactly what triggered the pain and stiffness in the first place. I've been a little bummed to skip out on some runs, but kept this virtual 10K in the back of my mind. I knew I wanted to do the virtual 10K but I wanted to wait to sign up until I had a better idea of what was happening with my back and hip.

Yesterday, after taking several days off of running, I went out for a short 2.5 mile jog in town before track practice to test out how my hip and back felt. It had been feeling a little better, and I had been noticing it seemed to feel much better with some stretching. It also seems to feel worse after a long day of sitting than it does after a long day of walking and moving. I logged over eight miles of walking on Saturday during a really long track meet, and the hip felt not terrible at the end of the day. It was no more stiff than the rest of my body after that long day.

The short mile running "the loop" in Rudyard was a good barometer. By the time I got back, my hip was a little stiff but no worse than anything else had made it feel. I decided I wasn't hurting myself by running on it. So, today I pulled the trigger on signing up for this run!

I am super excited about the Log Off Shut Down Go Run Virtual 10K! Signing up for races is just what I need to stay motivated to run, and this distance is quickly becoming my new favorite. Since it's a virtual race, I get to do the race wherever I want. They do specify dates they want it completed- April 24, 25 or 26. I know I have a track meet on the 25th and my nephew's baptism is the 26th, so that means I'll be doing mine on Friday, April 24. That means I have two weeks from today to get ready and increase my mileage a bit. I know I can do it!

The cost for the event is $30 (plus a little extra for a shipping fee), and they send you all the great racing swag you see below:

If you're a dude, you can choose a men's tshirt instead of the tank top. You'll also get an official race bib, a medal, and a car magnet. I'm most excited about the tank top. The magnet will probably go in the prize bin at school or given to someone on the track team.

I know to some it seems silly to spend $30 on a virtual race when I could just go out and run 6.2 miles for free. For me, I think of it as an investment in myself and even as a bet on myself. If I pay the money, I'm more likely to train for it like it's a normal race with lots of people, and I'm more likely to actually do it. I've paid the money, I have a date set, I'm going to follow through. And, I get some cool stuff for signing up, too!

Think you're interested in signing up for this race? Click RIGHT HERE to go to the website and sign up.

If you live in my area and you want to do it with me, I'm running on Friday, April 24, probably on some gravel roads near my house. Let me know if you'd like to come along!


  1. Looks like a cute tank! Good luck on the race :)

    1. Thanks! I'll admit that the tank top was a clincher for signing up for the race. :) I knocked out five miles on the treadmill yesterday and the hip feels pretty good, so I'm really starting to look forward to the race!

  2. Your hip pain sounds a lot like what I was experiencing around the time we were in Wichita. It originated from running, but the more I sat, the more painful it was. Running through it and doing a lot of stretching when it was warm really helped and it isn't bothering me anymore. The run sounds cool and I like the shirt. I'm not ready for a 10k myself!

    1. Now that you mention it, it really does sound very similar to what you had! I seem to be getting over it quickly, so I'm thankful for that. You're right, activity and stretching have been working wonders! :)


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