Friday, April 10, 2015

Thankful Thursday ~ Easter Photos

Nothing too heavy on this week's Thankful Thursday post.

I decided I'd just go back through my photos from the lovely Easter weekend we had, and then I kept going through some of my more recent photos from this week. So, this post is inspired by photos, but I also noticed as I went through my photos that there was a theme. Maybe it's something about Easter, or babies, or animals, or springtime, but the definite theme of the photos and the week is gentleness.

Take a look through and see what you think.

Who remembers Benjamin? His leg is healing up nicely!
 Josh, Katie and Brandon (my nephew) were here over the weekend. Brandon was introduced to cows by his Grandpa Tom, with Uncle Jeff and the rest of us nearby. Brandon even got to pet a new calf! (Below)

I always enjoy walking among the herd. This was a cool morning and the mamas were all eating hay we had rolled out in the pasture for them. The calves romped around on the hillside. Sweetgrass Hills in the background.

Can you see the bunny that Harvey is stalking? 

We did have a snow shower or two in the past week. I got a really lovely image of snow on a lilac bud. Springtime in Montana!

Harvey and I took a walk one morning and I coaxed him into holding still for a few moments while I snapped his portrait. Not easy to get a vizsla to sit still for photos when he's on his morning walk! He sat still but he was determined NOT to look at me! ha!

Gentleness is also the Virtue of the Week with the kids I work with at school this week. We discussed how to be gentle both with our actions and our words. Then we did an activity where we blew bubbles in soapy, dyed water and used the bubbles to make a "print" on our papers. We were gentle with our breath when blowing the bubbles, gentle with our words (using manners words to share supplies), and gentle with our hands when we laid the papers on top of the bubbles. Gentleness was a great word for the younger kids especially because it was one they could easily understand and demonstrate.

"Gentleness- being gentle, not being ruf, being kind in words."

"Gentleness- to be gentle with there words, don't be mean."
So what does Gentleness have to do with Thankfulness? Well, we can certainly be thankful for the ability of ourselves and others to be gentle. I appreciate when others speak to me with gentle words and kindness.  According to the book I use at school, "People are very sensitive beings. Many things are delicate and fragile, but feelings are the most fragile of all." Gentleness is being kind and considerate, in addition to moving and acting carefully.

Gentleness is--

  • holding a baby
  • being around and touching animals
  • not shaking snow off of a branch
  • blowing bubbles
  • teaching children
  • being kind in words and actions
  • respecting and appreciating others and ourselves
I am thankful for everything on that very short list! 

Do you think Gentleness and Thankfulness can go together?
What are you thankful for this week?

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