Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Weekly Review May 8-14

No intro today- just diving right into the week that was: May 8-14. Fitness, farm, and life!

Rainy, cool weather and a busy schedule with track and field activities really put the damper on my fitness. It was definitely a slow week in terms of running and fitness. But honestly, I think I needed it. I was just really tired and it felt good to do a bit less. Sometimes you just have to listen to your body and do what feels right. 

Weekly Roundup:
Sunday- Spartan Race (I spectated, did not race) with track kids, and driving home from Spartan.
We had five track athletes from North Star who competed in the Spartan Race.
They each did a fantastic job!
Monday- Rest day. I was really pooped from the Spartan weekend!
Tuesday- 3 miles on treadmill. Roads too muddy to run outside most of the week. Pasture walk in the evening with Jeff and dogs.

Wednesday- 20 minutes of light yoga.
Thursday- 2.4 mile run before school. Short, but hilly.
Friday- High School District Track Meet.
Saturday- Junior High District Track Meet. 

Didn't really add much to the stats this week, with only 5.4 miles of running, and 20 min of yoga. 
Running: 206.9 miles (16.4 miles last week! For me, that's more than normal)
Walking/Hiking: 65.7 miles 
Yoga: 950 min 
CC-Ski: 500 min / 14.1 miles *Done for the season
Alpine Ski: 3 days *Done for the season
Mountain bike: 38 miles

It was a rainy and cool week this past week, which meant the fields were too muddy to work in. Thankfully, we had most all of our seeding already complete. Read THIS POST for more info about that. We did finish one of our "fat beef" this past week and took her to the butcher.  We finish our own beef for our own consumption and we sell/share some of it with family and friends. We finish ours on grain. This year, we mixed our own feed ration using barley. In the past, we've purchased ration, but I think it's neat that we mixed our own. We went in together in the ration-mixing with our neighbors, and used their barley. The animals also have as much hay as they want to eat. In a few weeks, our cut order will be fulfilled. Soon our freezers will be replenished with tasty, tasty beef items! I really like knowing that the beef I am eating has never left my own yard.

The biggest news for me this past week was simply the District track meets. Both our High School Boys and Girls teams won their District meet, which is really cool. It was a great lesson for the kids, I think, in how to contribute your efforts to a greater goal and learn what it feels like to be part of a team, something bigger than yourself. The boys had a commanding win by over 60 points. The girls scraped and clawed their way to an unexpected win by a mere 2.5 points. For them, it literally took every single person's best effort throughout the day to earn that trophy. Many people stepped up and did more than they knew they were capable of to achieve that. 

As a Coach, I work primarily with our hurdlers. All of the hurdlers I work with advanced to the Divisional Meet (this Thursday) where they will have a chance to qualify for State. Many of them had significant time-drops in their races. I am very proud of their efforts and improvement and very excited that each of them will be moving on for another week of Track and Field. They have worked hard and earned it! 
Boys and Girls North Star Track and Field teams- both are District Champions!

How was your week, everyone? 


  1. How rewarding to see your team improve and perform so well- congrats!

    A nice relaxing cut back week is needed within a training cycle.

    Love that pic of Harley :)


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