Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Weekly Review March 20-26

Reviewing Fitness, Farm, and Life in the latest installment of Weekly Review Posts! Check it out!

Now three weeks into Track Season, I'm needing to adjust my schedule a bit to fit in runs and workouts, since I don't get home from practice until around 6:30 most days. I try to fit in at least two runs over the weekend (thank God for 4-day school week and 3-day weekends every week!), and have been making it a habit to get up early before school once or twice a week for a treadmill run. Not ideal for someone who really loves to sleep, but I can make it work.

This past Saturday, we also had a little All-Comers 5K Fun Run/Walk in Rudyard, which I organized, and you can read about IN THIS POST. Overall, I was really happy with the turnout and it seemed like people had fun.

Here's the week in review:
March 20-26
Sunday- 1 mile walk, 4 mile run
I took this photo on the 4-mile run.
I ran along the edge of our neighbor's winter wheat field for one mile.
You can see it is starting to come up! 
Monday- complete rest
Tuesday- 50 minutes yoga (15 min)/core(15 min)/stretching(20 min)
Wednesday- 2.7 mile treadmill run before school
Thursday- 45 minutes yoga
Friday- complete rest
Saturday- 5K Fun Run in town

Running: 131.8 miles
Walking/Hiking: 35.2 miles
Yoga: 595 min 
CC-Ski: 500 min / 14.1 miles (since I started tracking mileage on 1/17) 
Alpine Ski: 3 days
Mountain bike: 10 miles

I wrote a nicely detailed blog post on what happens when we have twin calves born on the farm, which you can read HERE. Otherwise, we are actually starting to shift our mindset toward spring seeding and preparations for that. Our farm purchased a new disc recently, which is an implement used to turn up soil and break ground. We'll primarily be using this on our organic fields. Jeff and Tom have already begun servicing it up to prepare it for work, and I helped Jeff with it a bit, too. Soon, they'll move on to a pre-work tune up of the air drill, which is the farm implement we use to plant our crops.
Disc, unfolded and in the midst of maintenance.
Jeff, doing work.
This is what the air-drill looks like, all folded up. 
Also, the obsessive weather-watching has begun. We are really due for some moisture, as we've had hardly any in 2016. Last year was so dry and draughty, we are in very deep need of a turnaround. Hoping that we get some soon.

Friday evening Jeff and I watched the Cyclones take on Virginia in a Sweet 16 March Madness battle. My parents were actually at the game.  The Cyclones lost, and I was sad. But, it would have been an upset if they had won and Virginia played really well. I was glad that I had watched, and especially because it was the last game for Georges Niang as a Cyclone. We had four great years of watching some outstanding basketball from that guy.

For Easter, Jeff and I went to our little neighborhood country church for service and then spent the afternoon on a long 16 mile bike ride before heading to town for a late-afternoon Easter Dinner and a walk with Tom and Carol. Pretty simple day, but wonderful to appreciate life in the sunshine and nice weather, and with family.

This weekend, we plan to make an appearance at the Montana Farmers Union Young Producers Conference. Saturday is also my first track meet with our 2016 team of tracksters, in Cut Bank. It will be a BUSY weekend! :)
This is a photo of my Father-In-Law, Tom, overlooking some of our pasture. 

Have a great week, everyone! 


  1. Hello Katie - My wife Lori is married to Lynn Hybner so that makes me Daniel and Adria's uncle.I have been reading your blog from time to time for a couple of years. I usually rely on Adria to post a link in FB so I can sneakily eavesdrop on your conversation with the world but I decided it was time to step into the light and subscribe to your blog. I am extremely fond of the country north of Rudyard and the people who live their lives there so thank you for helping me keep in touch even it if virtual. I had every intention of making a point of officially meeting you after the run but we did not manage to meet up with the runners at the finish line. Being a blogger myself, I know how much discipline it takes to post regularly so I am deeply impressed. As a bonus, you write beautifully. Thank you. Rick Davenport

    1. Thank you for your very kind words, Rick, and thanks for reading and sticking with me! I appreciate it, and I'm really glad I can give a glimpse of life in the North Country. It is definitely a special place and a unique lifestyle up here on the farm!


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