Monday, November 17, 2014

Winter Wonderland Photos

Two posts ago, I submitted a Call for Entry of sorts for photos from all of YOU of your snowy outdoor pursuits over the weekend! So, did you get outside over the weekend?

Jeff and I spent most of our weekend in Bozeman, for the last home football game of the regular season for the Bobcats. They took on Idaho State on a bitterly cold afternoon this past Saturday. We bundled up in layers upon layers of clothing and trekked to the game, being the loyal fans that we are. Game time temperature at kickoff was a brisk 8 degrees above zero. I am so, so thankful that our seats are on the sunny side of the stadium! With all my layers, I was actually quite comfortable up until the sun started to set at the end of the last quarter.

With the sunset came a Bobcat VICTORY, but man, was it a CLOSE GAME! The Cats barely held off the fierce Bengal offensive attack, as time expired. What a game. Jeff and I agreed that this game will go down in our own Top Five Most Exciting Bobcat Games We've Been To. Also included for me are the MSU v. Eastern Washington earlier this fall (Cats lost, but it was a helluva game and really woke us all up to the team they really could be this year!), and a few years ago the playoff game vs. New Hampshire (I think my heart stopped beating when NHU went for the last second field-goal...and MISSED!).

Again, Jeff and I arrived home just in time to do cow chores on Sunday afternoon. After making the 5 hour drive from Bozeman, and watching the sun shine and the temperature rise all the way home, I was getting really excited about the prospect of finally running outside, after a week on the treadmill. But alas, it was not to be. Everywhere in the state (or so it seemed!) was sunny and in the mid to upper 20s, but it was as if there was a wall of low pressure just north of Rudyard, keeping our farm and surrounding environs down to balmy low-teens with humidity and WIND! Ugh. We again fed the cows and bulls in about 15 degree temps, no sun, and biting northwest wind.

So, I powered through 64 minutes of running on the treadmill instead. Bleh.

But anyway. On to the real reason you're checking in on my blog today: PHOTOS! The request was in my blog two posts ago, read it HERE! Basically, the challenge was for people to get outside over the weekend and snap some photos of winter fun. Thanks to everyone who participated. I hope all of you enjoy the submissions!  I've included first names of people who sent images, their captions if they had any, and a link to their website or blog if they have one. I think there's some pretty cool images! Enjoy, and let me know what you think!

Carol sent these two photos. The caption she sent was: On my way to the elliptical in the basement,  I snapped these photos. One of frost on the window pane and one of the decor on the front deck.
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Displaying 20141114_074740.jpg
Strangely, quite lovely! 
Kendra, a HiLine friend and neighbor sent the next two photos. No caption, but I think they speak for themselves!!! :)

Too cute! :)
The next three images are from my husband, Jeff's, phone. I'd say he sent them, but really what happened was I went through is phone and found some cool photos to upload.  He did not send me any captions, either, so I'm adding my own. :)
Great Horned Owl perched on our neighbor, Merlin's, combine. 
Anyone want to have a seat? 
Can you spot the bird perched on the straw bale? 
The next several photos are from my mom, Penny. She is an EXCELLENT photographer, and actually has a nice blog she just started up to showcase her work. Find it here:

Following are the four photos she sent, with this caption: Attached are a few photos for you to use as you like.  These are from past photo walks, wasn't able to get out this weekend.  One of Mrs Moore's barn you may recognize from last year's Christmas card. The three from Veenker go back a few years.  It snowed lightly all day yesterday and these are the shots I would have gone for, if able to get outside.  Enjoy!!

Next up, we have a really cute photo from my blogging pal Jessie from over at The Right Fits
This is the caption she included: Hi Katie,
Here’s a picture for your winter challenge. Tilda and I went for a nice long walk at a local off-leash park. It was definitely cold here in Minneapolis!
Matilda, or Tilda, as they call her, sure is a cutie!! Of course, I do have a weakness for vizslas! :) Jessie posts regularly about Tilda on her weekly Tilda Tuesday segment of her blog. Definitely check it out if you love cute doggie photos! :)

Last but not least, my friend Joellyn gave me permission to post this next photo:
This image is along the Missouri River in Fort Benton, MT. The caption she had for this was: If you can handle the cold, there is much beauty in it.  Agreed, wholeheartedly! Joellyn has a really lovely blog as well, which you can check out here:

So there you have it! I think we got some really interesting, funny, beautiful photos to enjoy. I agree so much with Joellyn's comment that there is so much beauty in winter. All you have to do is bundle up, get out there, and enjoy it.  I think often about how thankful I really am that I live in a place which has a discernible change in seasons, that we have all four seasons to appreciate.  Perhaps this photo project will become a seasonal blog post idea??  Thank you to everyone who read and submitted a photo or two! Which photos did you particularly enjoy? 


  1. Thanks for sharing Tilda's picture amongst all the awesome ones! Winter really can be beautiful.

    I love the horned owl, how cool!

    1. Yes, I thought the owl photo was really cool, too! We have a lot of very large birds that live around here, but usually they don't let humans get that close. It's cool that Jeff was able to snap that photo before the owl flew away!

  2. Thanks for sharing all the fun photos! I braved the cold for just a 2 mile run today and froze on the way home running into the wind. I need to learn to do one-way runs in those conditions. "Hey Tom, pick me up at the Rock pile in 30 minutes please!"

    1. The wind can definitely be a killer! I try to run into the wind on my way out and then with the wind at my back on the way back, if possible. Or, as you suggest, have Jeff drop me off/pick me up. Way to go to get out there and brave the wind and cold!


Thanks for reading my blog! I would love to hear what you think of this post in your comments.